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The time for political revolution is now

When your ballot arrives in the days after Oct. 16, I hope you'll take a moment to consider whether you're voting for the name next to the political party for which you're registered or the best candidate for District 3 in US House of Representatives.

And, if you're not registered for a party, please consider the same thing - even if you do not see my name on the ballot, which means you have to write it in: Cliff Pfenning.

I'm not running as a Democrat or a Republican, and I didn't win a Primary in May, but I am 'The Write-In Choice' as a write-in candidate.

Cliff Pfenning is The Write-In Choice for District 3. I need you to write my name in so that Oregon and the United States can make history. Your write-in vote will be historic and revolutionary.


Historic. A write-in candidate has never won a seat in the US House of Representatives; not in Oregon or the United States.

Revolutionary. The act of a write-in candidate winning will show the world that regular citizens without millions of dollars in campaign financing from large Capitalist-sponsored Political Action Committees, can win with their message and passion. And, in a district that's been won by a Democrat in every election since 1954, including the past 14 by Earl Blumenauer.

To get your vote, I'm going to need to be seen and heard so the message of my being 'The Write-In Choice' will be taken seriously and the act of writing in a name on a ballot will happen.

To get your vote, I'm going to need you to think I can make a difference as your Congressional Representative - both liberals and conservatives voting for the same candidate.

I'm going to make that happen.

So, don't just vote for someone to fulfill a role in Washington, D.C., send me there to be a warrior for the elements of your daily life, and against the two-party system that's been created through years of neglect and is now in 'Walking Dead Mode.'

I WILL NOT JUST SHOW UP with a suitcase and a black-and-white playbook for how to do the job along party lines.

I WILL ARRIVE with a playbook filled with color and an ego that says to the world "let's make things happen. Let's Make America Amazing Again."

The color playbook is not just for Fox News or CNN or MSNBC or social media, but for Portland, Gresham, Troutdale, Clackamas, Estacada, Sandy, Hood River, and all the many unique neighborhoods of District 3.

And, I'll send the color playbook to you as a PDF on Oct. 16, the day that ballots begin to get mailed. Just sign up for updates at the bottom of this page to get your copy.

People question how I'm going to win an election as a write-in - and that campaign is starting in September, which is when I reflect on my years as a baseball fan. A team doesn't win the World Series in May, it wins by getting hot in September and October and performing at the right time.

Maxine Dexter, the local doctor who won the Democratic Primary in May, has the advantage of having all the votes she needs by just sitting back and waiting for Democrats to just check a vote.

There are enough voters in District 3 to elect Maxine Dexter to Congress if they just check the box on the ballot next to the name in front of 'Democrat,' and then feel good about having fulfilled their duty to regain control of the House of Representatives. 

There's more to good government, good leadership than simple control of the House of Representatives.

So remember, you need to write my name on the ballot, which will make history for Oregon and America. And, that victory will be revolutionary, and change elections forever.

That's how revolution works - you get in the way and make things happen, not just follow the rules to fulfill your duties. America's governing body has lost that sense of revolution over the course of nearly 250 years since it's founding. Your write-in vote will make that an issue for the nation to take stock in - and not just on a market.

The residents of District 3 regularly stand up with a sense of revolution, but that doesn't have the effect a Representative in Congress will make. Let's all make that happen, and make history happen at the same time.

'The Write-In Choice' for District 3 is Cliff Pfenning. So, write my name on the line provided, and spelled correctly: Cliff Pfenning.

History awaits. Revolution awaits. And, the US Congress will definitely know where District 3 is from now on.


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